Sunday, August 26, 2012

Survival: More Than Just a Play Title

This Friday my Drama students performed their production, Survival. It was based on The Hunger Games and The Lottery and it was my first school production as a teacher rather than a student.

It has been a long journey getting there and a super stressful one at that. We had issues with our trainers, with our script and at times our club's organisation. In the midst of these last weeks of essential preparation I have been an Oral Examiner for the O Level exams, so I have been out of school every afternoon with that.

In spite of everything, the kids did a fantastic job. Last year when we did the Singapore Youth Festival it was fun but there were only judges and teachers in the audience. This was the first time I've seen my students through to the end, with their parents and friends in the audience cheering and slapping. Seeing my students come through and do an awesome job was such a rewarding feeling. I am so proud of them, and just thinking about what they were like last year when I started and what they can do on stage now brings a tear to my eye.

If I ever needed confirmation that I'm doing the right thing by leaving and going to find a job teaching drama, this was it. The high you get from watching your kids on stage and seeing them come through is like nothing else.

I am so exhausted from this week that I just feel like sleeping forever, but I have to go back tomorrow and continue the Oral Exams. The exciting thing is that on Saturday I fly out to Japan for the week and I have just booked my hotels and my flights and everything is set.

I'm super excited about going and seeing a country I have dreamt about since I was a little girl. I will make sure to take loads of pictures and write to you all when I'm back about the crazy stuff I've seen and eaten.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kuala Lumpur

Hello blog beauties!!

I apologise for the odd lack of punctuation that is sure to be included in this here post, I did the thing where I hit some keys that made the punctuation turn Spanish or something and Im frankly too lazy to suss out how to fix it, so imagine that there is punctuation aplenty on this here post and we ll be all good.

This weekend Kyla, Kelli and I did a small getaway to KL, having not been there before and reckoning that a cheapie trip would be a good plan. Its only about an hours flight from Singapore and I got my flight there for $36 so why not(question mark)

Kyla had planned to go to KL before we said we would come with and she had found a sweet deal on a room at the InterContinental, which by the way, if you are going to KL, you should for sure hit up. The breakfast at that place seriously blew my mind. They had everything delicious you could ever want for breakfast, and then lots of other stuff too. Dim sum, samosas, pancakes, brie, hasbrowns, fresh sqweezed juice, smoked salmon, curry chicken. South East Asia is seriously food heaven, and this breakfast was the epicentre.

We went to check out the Batu Caves, which are seriously amazing and you should go check that out if you are there. There is a beautiful Hindu temple, with the worlds largest statue and biggest Hindu temple outside of India. Also, about 300 steps and a whole lotta monkeys.

We also did the Dark Cave tour which was amazing, we got to go into this huge bat cave and see all sorts of creature (such as terrifying centipedes and cockroaches, now that I think about it, Im not sure why I thought this thing was fun) and it was fascinating.

Some cool things: The trains has ladies-only cars which was an oddly empowering feeling. You are in a train car and its just you and other ladies, no creepos leering at your bodoacious, sweaty, sunburnt Western harlotry, just sisters chillin.

Travelling with lady friends is a fun and cool experience, it is liberating and wonderful. We hung out and watched the Olympics, gawking at the male divers and generally laughing to the point of pain. (At least I worked my abs, to help counteract that breakfast...)

Also, Kelli sleep walks into places like my bed or the window. It is kind of hilarious.

If you want to see some seriously beautiful caves (and asshole monkeys) you can check out my pictures at Photobuck here:

Next month is going to be Japan, which I have the squees about.

I was feeling all apprehensive about travelling alone and I was all like, I never travelled alone before...until I reminded myself that I got on a plane to bloody Singapore! On my own! Without ever having been to Asia and knowing no one on the other side! And I went to Improv camp in Regina when I was 16, also on my own. So, what exactly was I feeling weird about again (QM)

I will be sure to write lots about my trip to Japan because hotdiggity its going to be awesome. I want to do so many things a week might not be enough but I want to:
-go to the hotsprings
-watch a sumo match (luckily they happen in September)
-see kabuki or noh theatre
-ride the bullet train
-eat my face off
-shop in Harajuku
-visit the teahouses of Gion
-see the Shinjuku lights
-get a shiatsu massage
-buy cool stuff that I wouldnt get anywhere else

I will let you know how many of the super fantastic things on this list I end up doing.