Saturday, August 20, 2011


I really don't mean to by punny because frankly, I feel pretty terrible right now. Yesterday my relationship with Ben ended and I find myself on this island and no longer with the lifeline back to Canada that was Ben. I used to talk to him at least once and sometimes twice a day and I always had someone to share my day with and to hear about what life was like back home. In some ways that may have been a bad thing for me because it meant I was always living my life partways back there. However, losing that is devastating.

This isn't my first breakup, and the way life seems to be going for me I doubt it will be my last. It seems that it's impossible to find a person who won't let you down but that might just be my jaded experience talking right now. The thought of being single is actually overwhelming to me right now and also a little bit scary but possibly in time I will move to embrace it.

As it stands now, I am nursing my emotional wounds, doing my best to take care of myself and mourning the loss of one of the best friends I've ever had. While I hope that we will be able to be friends I know that for the next little while I'm going to have to really figure out how to do this alone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bea ... I feel for you big time. It is a terrible feeling and its a huge emotional loss for you too.

    Go spoil yourself as best you can.

    Some "me time" is important for your future well being.

    If you have have a day off, Bec (Bec Lowe) and I can meet you for coffee / lunch / whatever .... you just yell out when or if!!
