Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Cultural Experiences

Coming to Singapore I have been exposed to a number of new cultural experiences. I am now adept at eating with chopsticks to the point that I don't like using a fork anymore, I have increased my wretched grasp of Chinese to the point that I can sometimes discern what people are saying when they are speaking and I can vaguely communicate a few rough ideas. I have tried lots of new foods and begun to get my head around the iteration of English that is used here.

This week I had my first health situation while in Singapore and had to attend a clinic. It wasn't too serious, and you don't want the deets, but I had the exciting new cultural experience of attempting to provide a urine sample over a squat toilet.

For my Western friends who are unfamiliar with these, they are essentially a hole in the ground that you, as the name would suggest, squat over. Strangely enough, it makes aiming for a little cup slightly easier.

Don't worry, I am ok, and I found that the doctor here was very nice and that my Public Service card worked to provide me with coverage. I just thought it was a good example of how no matter where you go here you never know when you will be confronted with a new challenge.

(15 days now until Ben comes to Singapore!!!! And next week our school goes on a staff retreat to Malaysia, so I will make sure to take lots of pictures and post them on photobucket for you all to see!)

1 comment:

  1. you are doing super well .... better than I did when I first arrived!!

    In a few months you will look back on your blog posts and realise how far you actually have come. :-)

    I did a blog post two years ago on some of the behavourial differences, you might like to read it:

    enjoy your day and better still ... enjoy the weekend. Lots on in Singapore this week!!

    if you are on FB, link thru to me as I am always posting what is happening on the 'little red dot' for all of us to share.

    Leonefabre (AT) gmail (DOT) com
