Thursday, May 26, 2011


Somtimes, life kicks you when you're down. Like today for example. I woke up to the crappy news that my man did not get accepted to uni here in Singapore. Later in the day I found out that my old doggie in Canada, Makalu is not doing well and is going to be meeting the big dog in the sky tomorrow.

When I left Canada I knew it was likely I would not be seeing him again, he's outlived most dogs of his breed. It is still heartbreaking not to be able to say a proper goodbye to a creature who has always been an amazing companion to my family.

Mak is a giant Alaskan Malamute and if you aren't a part of our family he may seem like he is about to eat your face. However, if you are part of the family you will know that he is the most easy going, gentle spirited dog you could ever hope for. He loves to stand beside you in the kitchen and lean his hundred pounds or so into your knees while you stand or sleep at your feet while you watch television.

His favorite game was always to play goalie in the kitchen when we would try and kick his toys past him into the dining room. He is also an adept singer, enjoying classic Elvis tunes and "Happy New Year."

I am very grateful that he came into our lives and that we had him for as long as we did. He's been an unfailing companion and his big furry neck was always there to hug and hold whenever I felt sad. There's no neck to hold on to now so I will just have to hold on to the memories I have of him instead.

1 comment:

  1. oh Bea ..... I really feel for you. That is just so sad.

    When you feel up to it, do have a read of the following blog post that I uploaded after our daughter (Janine) had her bestest put to sleep .... he was certainly a member of our family and belonged to the three of us as we loved him equally:

    take care and keep smiling. :-)
