Friday, March 11, 2011


Today we were taken on a tour of Singapore through the Ministry of Education. We went to Little India and saw a beautiful Hindu temple, then somethingorother Glam, where we saw a Mosque and then China Town where we went into a Buddhist Temple. There are so many beautiful places to see here, it's amazing.

The cultural blend here is really interesting to see, though Marek pointed out that Canada is more diverse because people from more places are represented, here there are Malay, Tamil and Chinese people mostly. Every now and then I see someone who is white and I get excited to see someone who looks a little bit like me. It's essentially the opposite of living in Kingston where I would get excited to see someone who wasn't white.

 It's neat to get a taste of a bunch of different cultures, people here keep telling me to be careful because food will be spicy and they are shocked when I tell them I like spicy food. A girl from China was impressed that I can use chopsticks. I think we are lucky in Canada because we have the opportunities to have learned about other cultures if we chose to take them.

It is very beautiful here with vibrant colours and smells and blends of languages rising up through the air. It's a lot like I imagined it would be. Some places it is what I imagine living in China would be like, in others it is like what it would be like to live in India. People all speak English together and it's all heavily accented and unique. Flickr is telling me that I have already met my monthly quota of uploadable pictures so I might try photobucket later and post that link up here. I'm not sure if they habe unlimited photos but right now I am taking pictures of everything that is interesting so you can imagine that there are a lot to share!

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